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WTTC Responds to the UK’s 14-day Quarantine Announcement

WTTC Responds to the UK’s 14-day Quarantine Announcement

London, Great Britain, June 5, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Gloria Guevara, WTTC President and CEO, said: “Once again, we call on the UK government to remove the 14-day quarantine as soon as possible. Quarantines should not be necessary if appropriate and effective containment measures are in place at departure and arrival points.

“While the UK government has managed well the overall response to the COVID-19 crisis, we believe the 14-day quarantine will put the UK at a distinct competitive disadvantage. While we understand protecting public health is paramount, this measure, which affects international visitors and those arriving back into the UK from abroad, will have a significant and long-lasting negative effect on the Travel & Tourism sector.

“We’ve no doubt these measures will deter both business and leisure travellers from visiting major hubs throughout the country.

“It will worsen an already critical situation and delay the much-needed recovery of the UK economy. So, it’s vital that ‘air corridors’ to low-infection countries are opened as soon as possible.

“WTTC data shows the COVID-19 crisis has led to more than 1.2 million Travel & Tourism jobs being at risk in the UK, with substantial losses already.

“As the sixth largest economy in the world, and the third largest in Europe in terms of the Travel & Tourism, it is critical Travel & Tourism sector drives the economic recovery, as its contributes 9% of UK GDP and is responsible for 11% of total UK employment.”