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Introducing the Strong Earth Awards

Introducing the Strong Earth Awards

Brussels, Belgium, August 13, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / SUNx Malta, a legacy program for Maurice Strong, Sustainability and Climate activist half a century ago, promoting Climate Friendly Travel, and Les Roches, one of the world’s leading hospitality business schools, announce the annual Strong Earth Awards which will be presented at the ShiftIn’ Festival on 19th November.

The award is for students interested in a future advancing Climate Friendly Travel – low carbon: SDG linked: Paris 1.5. There will be 6 awards of 500 Euro each donated by Les Roches. They will be given for the best 500-word “thought paper” on:

“Why the Earth Charter is even more important now than when it was introduced by Maurice Strong and Michael Gorbachev in 2005”

The competition has been designed to draw attention to the important sustainability messages contained in the Earth Charter, as well as the vision of the late Maurice Strong and its increasing relevance in today’s Climate challenged world.

For more information on the awards please go to

Please email entries to Judging will be done by a team of Strong Climate Champions, chaired by Professor Geoffrey Lipman.

Entry is open until October 15th 2021

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President of SUNx Malta said “As the latest IPCC Report dramatically makes clear we are running out of time to fix the eXistential Climate Crisis. Only tomorrow’s young leaders will be able to make the tough choices to get us to meet Paris targets. The Earth Charter, conceived by Maurice Strong, is an essential building block for an understanding of Climate Friendly Travel and the resilience needed now. We are delighted to partner with Les Roches, one of the world’s top hospitality business schools to add another dimension to our Climate Friendly Travel education program and to prepare tomorrows Strong Climate Champions for the essential transformation.”